Rips complex persistence scikit-learn like interface#


GUDHI 3.10.0





Rips complex persistence scikit-learn like interface example#

The example below has been taken from the publication “Subsampling Methods for Persistent Homology” [14], the one with magnetometer data from different activities. For each activity, 7500 consecutive measurements are considered as a 3D point cloud in the Euclidean space. For nb_times = 80 times, we subsample nb_points = 200 points from the point cloud of each activity.

The TDA scikit-learn pipeline is constructed and is composed of:

  1. RipsPersistence that builds a Rips complex from the inputs and returns its persistence diagrams

  2. DiagramSelector that removes non-finite persistence diagrams values

  3. Landscape that builds the persistence landscapes from persistence diagrams

Finally, a bootstrap method (that computes a two-sided bootstrap confidence interval of a statistic) from scipy is used to compute the confidence intervals for each activity. Note this bootstrap method is not exactly the one used in the paper, the multiplier bootstrap cited in the paper [14].

These confidence intervals are displayed, and one can see that it is possible to distinguish human activities performed while wearing only magnetic sensor unit on the left leg.

# Standard data science imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import bootstrap
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import TDA pipeline requirements
from gudhi.sklearn.rips_persistence import RipsPersistence
from gudhi.representations import DiagramSelector, Landscape
# To fetch the dataset
from gudhi.datasets import remote

no_plot = False

# Constants for subsample
nb_times = 80
nb_points = 200

def subsample(array):
    sub = []
    # construct a list of nb_times x nb_points
    for sub_idx in range(nb_times):
        sub.append(array[np.random.choice(array.shape[0], nb_points, replace=False)])
    return sub

# Constant for plot_average_landscape
landscape_resolution = 600
# Nothing interesting after 0.4, you can set this filter to 1 (number of landscapes) if you want to check
filter = int(0.4 * landscape_resolution)

def plot_average_landscape(landscapes, color, label):
    landscapes = landscapes[:,:filter]
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    res = bootstrap((np.transpose(landscapes),), np.std, method='basic', axis=-1, confidence_level=0.95, random_state=rng)
    ci_l, ci_u = res.confidence_interval
    plt.fill_between(np.arange(0,filter,1), ci_l, ci_u, alpha=.3, color=color, label=label)

# Fetch datasets and subsample them
walking = subsample(remote.fetch_daily_activities(subset="walking"))
stepper = subsample(remote.fetch_daily_activities(subset="stepper"))
cross = subsample(remote.fetch_daily_activities(subset="cross_training"))
jumping = subsample(remote.fetch_daily_activities(subset="jumping"))

pipe = Pipeline(
        ("rips_pers", RipsPersistence(homology_dimensions=1, n_jobs=-2)),
        ("finite_diags", DiagramSelector(use=True, point_type="finite")),
        ("landscape", Landscape(num_landscapes=1,resolution=landscape_resolution)),

# Fit the model with the complete dataset - mainly for the landscape window computation + stepper + cross + jumping)

# Compute Rips, persistence, landscapes and plot average landscapes
plot_average_landscape(pipe.transform(walking), 'black', 'walking')
plot_average_landscape(pipe.transform(stepper), 'green', 'stepper')
plot_average_landscape(pipe.transform(cross), 'red', 'cross tr.')
plot_average_landscape(pipe.transform(jumping), 'blue', 'jumping')

plt.title('Average landscapes')
if no_plot == False:

Average Landscapes of 4 different activities.#

Rips complex persistence scikit-learn like interface reference#

class gudhi.sklearn.rips_persistence.RipsPersistence[source]#

Bases: BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

This is a class for constructing Vietoris-Rips complexes and computing the persistence diagrams from them.

__init__(homology_dimensions, threshold=inf, input_type='point cloud', num_collapses='auto', homology_coeff_field=11, n_jobs=None)[source]#

Constructor for the RipsPersistence class.

  • homology_dimensions (int | Iterable[int]) – The returned persistence diagrams dimension(s). Short circuit the use of DimensionSelector when only one dimension matters (in other words, when homology_dimensions is an int).

  • threshold (float) – Rips maximal edge length value. Default is +Inf. Ignored if input_type is ‘distance coo_matrix’.

  • input_type (Literal['point cloud', 'full distance matrix', 'lower distance matrix', 'distance coo_matrix']) – Can be ‘point cloud’ when inputs are point clouds, ‘full distance matrix’, ‘lower distance matrix’ when inputs are lower triangular distance matrix (can be full square, but the upper part will not be considered), or ‘distance coo_matrix’ for a distance matrix in SciPy’s sparse format, which should contain each edge at most once (avoid the symmetric) and no diagonal entry. Default is ‘point cloud’.

  • num_collapses (int | Literal['auto']) – Specify the number of iterations of reduce_graph() (edge collapse) to perform on the graph. Default value is ‘auto’.

  • homology_coeff_field (int) – The homology coefficient field. Must be a prime number. Default value is 11.

  • n_jobs (int | None) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. None (default value) means n_jobs = 1 unless in a joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. cf. for more details.

fit(X, Y=None)[source]#

Nothing to be done, but useful when included in a scikit-learn Pipeline.


Provide column names for implementing sklearn’s set_output API.

transform(X, Y=None)[source]#

Compute all the Vietoris-Rips complexes and their associated persistence diagrams.


X (list of list of float OR list of numpy.ndarray) – list of point clouds as Euclidean coordinates or distance matrices.


Persistence diagrams in the format:

  • If homology_dimensions was set to n: [array( Hn(X[0]) ), array( Hn(X[1]) ), …]

  • If homology_dimensions was set to [i, j]: [[array( Hi(X[0]) ), array( Hj(X[0]) )], [array( Hi(X[1]) ), array( Hj(X[1]) )], …]

Return type:

list of numpy ndarray of shape (,2) or list of list of numpy ndarray of shape (,2)