Acknowledging the GUDHI library#

We kindly ask users to cite the GUDHI library as appropriately as possible in their papers, and to mention the use of the GUDHI library on the web pages of their projects using GUDHI and provide us with links to these web pages. Feel free to contact us in case you have any question or remark on this topic.

We provide GUDHI bibtex entries for the modules of the User and Reference Manual, as well as for publications directly related to the GUDHI library.

GUDHI bibtex#

, title     = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, author    = {The GUDHI Project}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, year      = {2023}
, url       = {}

, author    = {Pawel Dlotko}
, title     = {Cubical complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Maria}
, title     = {Filtered Complexes}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Fran{\c{c}}ois Godi}
, title     = {Toplex map}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {David Salinas}
, title     = {Skeleton-Blocker}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {David Salinas}
, title     = {Contraction}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Vincent Rouvreau}
, title     = {Alpha complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Vincent Rouvreau and Hind Montassif}
, title     = {{\v{C}}ech complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Maria and Pawel Dlotko and Vincent Rouvreau and Marc Glisse}
, title     = {Rips complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Siddharth Pritam and Marc Glisse}
, title     = {Edge collapse}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Siargey Kachanovich}
, title     = {Witness complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Mathieu Carri{\`{e}}re}
, title     = {Cover complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Siargey Kachanovich}
, title     = {Coxeter triangulation}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Jamin}
, title     = {Tangential complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Maria}
, title     = {Persistent Cohomology}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Fran{\c{c}}ois Godi}
, title     = {Bottleneck distance}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Pawel Dlotko}
, title     = {Persistence representations}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Jamin and Siargey Kachanovich and Marc Glisse}
, title     = {Subsampling}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Jamin}
, title     = {Spatial searching}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

% Python specific gudhi modules

, author    = {Rapha{\"{e}}l Tinarrage and Yuichi Ike and Masatoshi Takenouchi}
, title     = {Weighted Rips Complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Yuichi Ike}
, title     = {DTM Rips Complex}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Th{\'{e}}o Lacombe and Marc Glisse}
, title     = {Wasserstein distance}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Mathieu Carri{\`{e}}re and Gard Spreemann and Wojciech Reise}
, title     = {Persistence representations scikit-learn like interface}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Martin Royer}
, title     = {Measure Vectorization for Automatic Topologically-Oriented Learning}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Marc Glisse}
, title     = {Distance to measure}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}

, author    = {Marc Glisse}
, title     = {persistence-based clustering}
, publisher = {GUDHI Editorial Board}
, edition   = {3.8.0}
, booktitle = {GUDHI User and Reference Manual}
, url       = {}
, year      = {2023}