Wasserstein distance user manual



Wasserstein distance is the q-th root of the sum of the edge lengths to the power q.

The q-Wasserstein distance measures the similarity between two persistence diagrams. It’s the minimum value c that can be achieved by a perfect matching between the points of the two diagrams (+ all diagonal points), where the value of a matching is defined as the q-th root of the sum of all edge lengths to the power q. Edge lengths are measured in norm p, for \(1 \leq p \leq \infty\).


Theo Lacombe

Introduced in

GUDHI 3.1.0




Python Optimal Transport (POT) \(\geq\) 0.5.1

This implementation is based on ideas from “Large Scale Computation of Means and Cluster for Persistence Diagrams via Optimal Transport”.


gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(X, Y, order=2.0, internal_p=2.0)[source]
  • X – (n x 2) numpy.array encoding the (finite points of the) first diagram. Must not contain essential points (i.e. with infinite coordinate).

  • Y – (m x 2) numpy.array encoding the second diagram.

  • internal_p – Ground metric on the (upper-half) plane (i.e. norm l_p in R^2); Default value is 2 (euclidean norm).

  • order – exponent for Wasserstein; Default value is 2.


the Wasserstein distance of order q (1 <= q < infinity) between persistence diagrams with respect to the internal_p-norm as ground metric.

Return type


Basic example

This example computes the 1-Wasserstein distance from 2 persistence diagrams with euclidean ground metric. Note that persistence diagrams must be submitted as (n x 2) numpy arrays and must not contain inf values.

import gudhi.wasserstein
import numpy as np

diag1 = np.array([[2.7, 3.7],[9.6, 14.],[34.2, 34.974]])
diag2 = np.array([[2.8, 4.45],[9.5, 14.1]])

message = "Wasserstein distance value = " + '%.2f' % gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(diag1, diag2, order=1., internal_p=2.)

The output is:

Wasserstein distance value = 1.45