Gudhi::persistence_matrix::Default_options< col_type, is_z2_only, FieldOperators > Struct Template Reference

Default option structure for Matrix class. See the PersistenceMatrixOptions concept for a more detailed description of the fields. Produces a base matrix with no enabled option. More...

#include <gudhi/persistence_matrix_options.h>

Detailed Description

template<Column_types col_type = Column_types::INTRUSIVE_SET, bool is_z2_only = true, class FieldOperators = persistence_fields::Zp_field_operators<>>
struct Gudhi::persistence_matrix::Default_options< col_type, is_z2_only, FieldOperators >

Default option structure for Matrix class. See the PersistenceMatrixOptions concept for a more detailed description of the fields. Produces a base matrix with no enabled option.

To create other matrix types, the easiest is to simply inherit from this structure and overwrite only the options one is interested in.

Template Parameters
col_typeColumn type for the matrix. Default value: Column_types::INTRUSIVE_SET
is_z2_onlyFlag indicating if only \(Z_2\) coefficient will be used with the matrix. Set to true if it is the case, false otherwise. Default value: true.
FieldOperatorsField operators used by the matrix, see FieldOperators concept. Only necessary if is_z2_only is false. Default value: Gudhi::persistence_fields::Zp_field_operators<>.
example_representative_cycles_from_matrix.cpp, and example_simplex_tree_to_matrix.cpp.

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