Default option structure for Matrix class. See the PersistenceMatrixOptions concept for a more detailed description of the fields. Produces a base matrix with no enabled option. More...
#include <gudhi/persistence_matrix_options.h>
Default option structure for Matrix class. See the PersistenceMatrixOptions concept for a more detailed description of the fields. Produces a base matrix with no enabled option.
To create other matrix types, the easiest is to simply inherit from this structure and overwrite only the options one is interested in.
col_type | Column type for the matrix. Default value: Column_types::INTRUSIVE_SET |
is_z2_only | Flag indicating if only \(Z_2\) coefficient will be used with the matrix. Set to true if it is the case, false otherwise. Default value: true. |
FieldOperators | Field operators used by the matrix, see FieldOperators concept. Only necessary if is_z2_only is false. Default value: Gudhi::persistence_fields::Zp_field_operators<>. |