Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Simplex_comparator< Permutahedral_representation_ > Class Template Reference

A comparator class for Permutahedral_representation. The comparison is in lexicographic order first on vertices and then on ordered partitions with sorted parts. The lexicographic order forces that any face is larger than a coface. More...

#include <include/gudhi/Permutahedral_representation/Simplex_comparator.h>

Public Member Functions

bool operator() (const Permutahedral_representation_ &lhs, const Permutahedral_representation_ &rhs) const
 Comparison between two permutahedral representations. Both permutahedral representations need to be valid and the vertices of both permutahedral representations need to be of the same size.

Detailed Description

template<class Permutahedral_representation_>
class Gudhi::coxeter_triangulation::Simplex_comparator< Permutahedral_representation_ >

A comparator class for Permutahedral_representation. The comparison is in lexicographic order first on vertices and then on ordered partitions with sorted parts. The lexicographic order forces that any face is larger than a coface.

Template Parameters
Permutahdral_representation_Needs to be Permutahedral_representation<Vertex_, Ordered_set_partition_>

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