Vertex_handle | add_vertex (Root_vertex_handle global) |
void | add_edge_without_blockers (Root_vertex_handle v1_root, Root_vertex_handle v2_root) |
void | add_blocker (const Root_simplex_handle &blocker_root) |
void | make_restricted_complex (const ComplexType &parent_complex, const Simplex &simplex) |
void | clear () |
boost::optional< Vertex_handle > | get_address (Root_vertex_handle global) const |
std::vector< boost::optional< Vertex_handle > > | get_addresses (const Root_simplex_handle &s) const |
Vertex_handle | operator[] (Root_vertex_handle global) const |
| Return a local Vertex_handle of a vertex given a global one. More...
Graph_vertex & | operator[] (Vertex_handle address) |
| Return the vertex node associated to local Vertex_handle. More...
const Graph_vertex & | operator[] (Vertex_handle address) const |
| Return the vertex node associated to local Vertex_handle. More...
Vertex_handle | add_vertex () |
| Adds a vertex to the simplicial complex and returns its Vertex_handle. More...
void | remove_vertex (Vertex_handle address) |
| Remove a vertex from the simplicial complex. More...
bool | contains_vertex (Vertex_handle u) const |
bool | contains_vertex (Root_vertex_handle u) const |
bool | contains_vertices (const Simplex &sigma) const |
virtual boost::optional< Vertex_handle > | get_address (Root_vertex_handle id) const |
| Given an Id return the address of the vertex having this Id in the complex. More...
Root_vertex_handle | get_id (Vertex_handle local) const |
Vertex_handle | convert_handle_from_another_complex (const Skeleton_blocker_complex &other, Vertex_handle vh_in_other) const |
| Convert an address of a vertex of a complex to the address in the current complex. More...
int | degree (Vertex_handle local) const |
| return the graph degree of a vertex.
boost::optional< Edge_handle > | operator[] (const std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > &ab) const |
| return an edge handle if the two vertices forms an edge in the complex
Graph_edge & | operator[] (Edge_handle edge_handle) |
| returns the stored node associated to an edge
const Graph_edge & | operator[] (Edge_handle edge_handle) const |
| returns the stored node associated to an edge
Vertex_handle | first_vertex (Edge_handle edge_handle) const |
| returns the first vertex of an edge More...
Vertex_handle | second_vertex (Edge_handle edge_handle) const |
| returns the first vertex of an edge More...
Simplex | get_vertices (Edge_handle edge_handle) const |
| returns the simplex made with the two vertices of the edge More...
Edge_handle | add_edge (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) |
| Adds an edge between vertices a and b. More...
void | add_edge (const Simplex &s) |
| Adds all edges of s in the complex.
Edge_handle | add_edge_without_blockers (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) |
| Adds an edge between vertices a and b without blockers. More...
void | add_edge_without_blockers (Simplex s) |
| Adds all edges of s in the complex without adding blockers.
virtual Edge_handle | remove_edge (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) |
| Removes an edge from the simplicial complex and all its cofaces. More...
void | remove_edge (Edge_handle edge) |
| Removes edge and its cofaces from the simplicial complex.
void | keep_only_vertices () |
| The complex is reduced to its set of vertices. All the edges and blockers are removed.
bool | contains_edge (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) const |
bool | contains_edges (const Simplex &sigma) const |
std::string | to_string () const |
std::string | vertices_to_string () const |
std::string | edges_to_string () const |
std::string | blockers_to_string () const |
bool | is_popable_blocker (Blocker_handle sigma) const |
void | remove_popable_blockers () |
void | remove_popable_blockers (Vertex_handle v) |
void | remove_all_popable_blockers (Vertex_handle v) |
| Removes all the popable blockers of the complex passing through v and delete them. Also remove popable blockers in the neighborhood if they became popable.
void | remove_star (Vertex_handle v) |
void | remove_star (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) |
void | remove_star (Edge_handle e) |
void | remove_star (const Simplex &sigma) |
void | add_simplex (const Simplex &sigma) |
| add a simplex and all its faces. More...
simplifiable_status | is_remove_star_homotopy_preserving (const Simplex &simplex) |
virtual contractible_status | is_contractible () const |
| Test if the complex is reducible using a strategy defined in the class (by default it tests if the complex is a cone) More...
Blocker_handle | add_blocker (const Simplex &blocker) |
| Adds the simplex to the set of blockers and returns a Blocker_handle toward it if was not present before and 0 otherwise.
void | remove_blocker (const Blocker_handle sigma) |
| Removes the simplex from the set of blockers. More...
void | remove_blockers () |
| Remove all blockers, in other words, it expand the simplicial complex to the smallest flag complex that contains it.
void | delete_blocker (Blocker_handle sigma) |
bool | contains_blocker (const Blocker_handle s) const |
bool | contains_blocker (const Simplex &s) const |
Link_complex | link (Vertex_handle v) const |
Link_complex | link (Edge_handle edge) const |
Link_complex | link (const Simplex &simplex) const |
boost::optional< Simplex > | get_simplex_address (const Root_simplex_handle &s) const |
| Compute the local vertices of 's' in the current complex If one of them is not present in the complex then the return value is uninitialized.
Root_simplex_handle | get_id (const Simplex &local_simplex) const |
| returns a simplex with vertices which are the id of vertices of the argument.
virtual bool | contains (const Simplex &s) const |
| returns true iff the simplex s belongs to the simplicial complex.
bool | empty () const |
int | num_vertices () const |
int | num_edges () const |
int | num_triangles () const |
size_t | num_simplices () const |
size_t | num_simplices (int dimension) const |
size_t | num_blockers () const |
bool | complete () const |
int | num_connected_components () const |
| returns the number of connected components in the graph of the 1-skeleton.
bool | is_cone () const |
| Test if the complex is a cone. More...
Complex_vertex_range | vertex_range () const |
| Returns a Complex_vertex_range over all vertices of the complex.
Complex_neighbors_vertices_range | vertex_range (Vertex_handle v) const |
| Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex that passes through v.
Complex_edge_range | edge_range () const |
| Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex.
Complex_edge_around_vertex_range | edge_range (Vertex_handle v) const |
| Returns a Complex_edge_range over all edges of the simplicial complex that passes through 'v'.
Complex_triangle_around_vertex_range | triangle_range (Vertex_handle v) const |
| Range over triangles around a vertex of the simplicial complex. Methods .begin() and .end() return a Triangle_around_vertex_iterator.
Complex_triangle_range | triangle_range () const |
| Range over triangles of the simplicial complex. Methods .begin() and .end() return a Triangle_around_vertex_iterator.
Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range | star_simplex_range (Vertex_handle v) const |
| Returns a Complex_simplex_around_vertex_range over all the simplices around a vertex of the complex.
Complex_coboundary_range | coboundary_range (const Simplex &s) const |
| Returns a Complex_simplex_coboundary_iterator over the simplices of the coboundary of a simplex.
Complex_simplex_range | complex_simplex_range () const |
| Returns a Complex_simplex_range over all the simplices of the complex.
| Skeleton_blocker_complex (size_t num_vertices_=0, Visitor *visitor_=NULL) |
| constructs a simplicial complex with a given number of vertices and a visitor.
template<typename SimpleHandleOutputIterator > |
| Skeleton_blocker_complex (SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_begin, SimpleHandleOutputIterator simplices_end, bool is_flag_complex=false, Visitor *visitor_=NULL) |
| Constructor with a list of simplices. More...
| Skeleton_blocker_complex (const Skeleton_blocker_complex ©) |
Skeleton_blocker_complex & | operator= (const Skeleton_blocker_complex ©) |
bool | operator== (const Skeleton_blocker_complex &other) const |
bool | operator!= (const Skeleton_blocker_complex &other) const |
virtual | ~Skeleton_blocker_complex () |
void | set_visitor (Visitor *other_visitor) |
| allows to change the visitor.
Complex_blocker_around_vertex_range | blocker_range (Vertex_handle v) |
| Returns a range of the blockers of the complex passing through a vertex.
Const_complex_blocker_around_vertex_range | const_blocker_range (Vertex_handle v) const |
| Returns a range of the blockers of the complex passing through a vertex.
Complex_blocker_range | blocker_range () |
| Returns a range of the blockers of the complex.
Const_complex_blocker_range | const_blocker_range () const |
| Returns a range of the blockers of the complex.
bool | link_condition (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b, bool ignore_popable_blockers=false) const |
bool | link_condition (Edge_handle e, bool ignore_popable_blockers=false) const |
void | contract_edge (Edge_handle edge) |
void | contract_edge (Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) |