Class representing an element of the \( \mathbb{F}_p \) field for any prime number \( p \).
void | operator+= (Zp_field_element &f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator+=
Zp_field_element | operator+ (Zp_field_element f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator+
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
void | operator+= (Zp_field_element &f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator+=
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Zp_field_element | operator+ (Zp_field_element f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator+ More...
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Integer_type | operator+ (const Integer_type &v, Zp_field_element f) |
| operator+ More...
void | operator-= (Zp_field_element &f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator-=
Zp_field_element | operator- (Zp_field_element f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator-
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
void | operator-= (Zp_field_element &f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator-=
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Zp_field_element | operator- (Zp_field_element f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator- More...
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Integer_type | operator- (const Integer_type &v, const Zp_field_element &f) |
| operator- More...
void | operator*= (Zp_field_element &f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator*=
Zp_field_element | operator* (Zp_field_element f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator*
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
void | operator*= (Zp_field_element &f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator*=
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Zp_field_element | operator* (Zp_field_element f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator* More...
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
Integer_type | operator* (const Integer_type &v, Zp_field_element f) |
| operator* More...
bool | operator== (const Zp_field_element &f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator==
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
bool | operator== (const Integer_type &v, const Zp_field_element &f) |
| operator== More...
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
bool | operator== (const Zp_field_element &f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator== More...
bool | operator!= (const Zp_field_element &f1, const Zp_field_element &f2) |
| operator!=
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
bool | operator!= (const Integer_type &v, const Zp_field_element &f) |
| operator!= More...
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>> |
bool | operator!= (const Zp_field_element &f, const Integer_type &v) |
| operator!= More...
void | swap (Zp_field_element &f1, Zp_field_element &f2) |
| Swap operator.
template<unsigned int characteristic, typename Unsigned_integer_type = unsigned int, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<Unsigned_integer_type> >>
class Gudhi::persistence_fields::Zp_field_element< characteristic, Unsigned_integer_type, class >
Class representing an element of the \( \mathbb{F}_p \) field for any prime number \( p \).
- Template Parameters
characteristic | Value of the characteristic of the field. Has to be a positive prime number. |
Unsigned_integer_type | A native unsigned integer type: unsigned int, long unsigned int, etc. Will be used as the field element type. |
- Examples
- example_field_operations.cpp.
template<unsigned int characteristic, typename Unsigned_integer_type = unsigned int, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<Unsigned_integer_type> >>
template<typename Integer_type , class = isInteger<Integer_type>>
Constructor setting the element to the given value.
- Template Parameters
Integer_type | A native integer type. Should be able to contain the characteristic if signed. |
- Parameters
element | Value of the element. |