Source code for gudhi.dtm_rips_complex

# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
# Author(s):       Yuichi Ike, Raphaël Tinarrage
# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, Copyright (C) 2020 FUjitsu Laboratories Ltd.
# Modification(s):
#   - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification

from gudhi.weighted_rips_complex import WeightedRipsComplex
from gudhi.point_cloud.dtm import DistanceToMeasure
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

[docs]class DTMRipsComplex(WeightedRipsComplex): """ Class to generate a DTM Rips complex from a distance matrix or a point set, in the way described in :cite:`dtmfiltrations`. Remark that all the filtration values are doubled compared to the definition in the paper for the consistency with RipsComplex. :Requires: `SciPy <installation.html#scipy>`_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, points=None, distance_matrix=None, k=1, q=2, max_filtration=float('inf')): """ Args: points (numpy.ndarray): array of points. distance_matrix (numpy.ndarray): full distance matrix. k (int): number of neighbors for the computation of DTM. Defaults to 1, which is equivalent to the usual Rips complex. q (float): order used to compute the distance to measure. Defaults to 2. max_filtration (float): specifies the maximal filtration value to be considered. """ if distance_matrix is None: if points is None: # Empty Rips construction points=[] distance_matrix = cdist(points,points) self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix # TODO: address the error when k is too large if k <= 1: self.weights = [0] * len(distance_matrix) else: dtm = DistanceToMeasure(k, q=q, metric="precomputed") self.weights = dtm.fit_transform(distance_matrix) self.max_filtration = max_filtration