Source code for gudhi.cover_complex

# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
# Author(s):       Mathieu Carrière
# Copyright (C) 2021 Inria
# Modification(s):
#   - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification

import numpy as np
import itertools
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.base            import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.cluster         import DBSCAN, AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.metrics         import pairwise_distances
from scipy.spatial.distance  import directed_hausdorff

from . import SimplexTree, CoverComplex

class CoverComplexPy(BaseEstimator):
    This is a mother class for MapperComplex, GraphInducedComplex and NerveComplex.

        simplex_tree_ (gudhi SimplexTree): simplicial complex representing the cover complex computed after calling the fit() method.
        node_info_ (dictionary): various information associated to the nodes of the cover complex.
    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        Constructor for the CoverComplexPy class.

        self.verbose = verbose

    def get_networkx(self, set_attributes_from_colors=False):
        Turn the 1-skeleton of the cover complex computed after calling fit() method into a networkx graph.
        This function requires networkx (

        set_attributes_from_colors : bool
            if True, the color functions will be used as attributes for the networkx graph.

        G : networkx graph
            graph representing the 1-skeleton of the cover complex.
        import networkx as nx
        st = self.simplex_tree_
        G = nx.Graph()
        for (splx,_) in st.get_skeleton(1):	
            if len(splx) == 1:
            if len(splx) == 2:
                G.add_edge(splx[0], splx[1])
        if set_attributes_from_colors:
            attrs = {k: {"attr_name": self.node_info_[k]["colors"]} for k in G.nodes()}
            nx.set_node_attributes(G, attrs)
        return G

    def save_to_dot(self, file_name="cover_complex", color_name="color", eps_color=.1, eps_size=.1):
        Write the 0-skeleton of the cover complex in a DOT file called "{file_name}.dot", that can be processed with, e.g., neato. The vertices of the cover complex are colored with the first color function, ie, the first column of self.colors.  This function also produces an extra pdf file "colorbar_{color_name}.pdf" containing a colorbar corresponding to the node colors in the DOT file.

        file_name : string
            name for the output .dot file, default "cover_complex" 
        color_name : string
            name for the output .pdf showing the colorbar of the color used for the Mapper nodes, default "color"
        eps_color : float
            scale the node colors between [eps_color, 1-eps_color]. Should be between 0 and 1/2. When close to 0., the color varies a lot across the nodes, if close to 1/2, the color tends to be more uniform.
        eps_size : float
            scale the node sizes between [eps_size, 1-eps_size]. Should be between 0 and 1/2. When close to 0., the size varies a lot across the nodes, if close to 1/2, the nodes tend to have the same size.
        st = self.simplex_tree_
        node_info_ = self.node_info_

        maxv, minv = max([node_info_[k]["colors"][0] for k in node_info_.keys()]), min([node_info_[k]["colors"][0] for k in node_info_.keys()])
        maxs, mins = max([node_info_[k]["size"]      for k in node_info_.keys()]), min([node_info_[k]["size"]      for k in node_info_.keys()])

        if not file_name.lower().endswith(".dot"):
            file_name += ".dot"

        with open(file_name, "w") as f:
            f.write("graph MAP{")
            cols = []
            for (simplex,_) in st.get_skeleton(0):
                cnode = (1.-2*eps_color) * (node_info_[simplex[0]]["colors"][0] - minv)/(maxv-minv) + eps_color if maxv != minv else 0
                snode = (1.-2*eps_size) * (node_info_[simplex[0]]["size"]-mins)/(maxs-mins) + eps_size if maxs != mins else 1
                f.write(  str(simplex[0]) + "[shape=circle width=" + str(snode) + " fontcolor=black color=black label=\""  + "\" style=filled fillcolor=\"" + str(cnode) + ", 1, 1\"]")
            for (simplex,_) in st.get_simplices():
                if len(simplex) == 2:
                    f.write("  " + str(simplex[0]) + " -- " + str(simplex[1]) + " [weight=15];")
        L = np.linspace(eps_color, 1.-eps_color, 100)
        colsrgb = []
        import colorsys
        for c in L:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 1))
        my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colsrgb, name=color_name)
        cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=my_cmap, norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minv, vmax=maxv), orientation="horizontal")
        fig.savefig("colorbar_" + color_name + ".pdf", format="pdf")
    def save_to_txt(self, file_name="cover_complex", data_name="data", cover_name="cover", color_name="color"):
        Write the cover complex to a TXT file called "{file_name}.txt", that can be processed with the KeplerMapper Python script "" available under "src/Nerve_GIC/utilities/".

        file_name : string
            name for the output .txt file, default "cover_complex" 
        data_name : string
            name to use for the data on which the cover complex was computed, default "data". It will be used when generating an html visualization with 
        cover_name : string
            name to use for the cover used to compute the cover complex, default "cover". It will be used when generating an html visualization with
        color_name : string
            name to use for the color used to color the cover complex nodes, default "color". It will be used when generating an html visualization with
        st = self.simplex_tree_

        if not file_name.lower().endswith(".txt"):
            file_name += ".txt"

        with open(file_name, "w") as f:
            f.write(data_name + "\n")
            f.write(cover_name + "\n")
            f.write(color_name + "\n")
            f.write("0 0\n")
            f.write(str(st.num_vertices()) + " " + str(len(list(st.get_skeleton(1)))-st.num_vertices()) + "\n")
            name2id = {}
            idv = 0
            for s,_ in st.get_skeleton(0):
                f.write(str(idv) + " " + str(self.node_info_[s[0]]["colors"][0]) + " " + str(self.node_info_[s[0]]["size"]) + "\n")
                name2id[s[0]] = idv
                idv += 1
            for s,_ in st.get_skeleton(1):
                if len(s) == 2:
                    f.write(str(name2id[s[0]]) + " " + str(name2id[s[1]]) + "\n")
    class _constant_clustering():
        def fit_predict(X):
            return np.zeros([len(X)], dtype=np.int32)

[docs]class MapperComplex(CoverComplexPy): """ This is a class for computing Mapper simplicial complexes on point clouds or distance matrices. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, input_type="point cloud", colors=None, min_points_per_node=0, filter_bnds=None, resolutions=None, gains=None, clustering=DBSCAN(), N=100, beta=0., C=10., verbose=False): """ Constructor for the MapperComplex class. Parameters ---------- input_type : string type of input data. Either "point cloud" or "distance matrix". min_points_per_node : int threshold on the size of the cover complex nodes (default 0). Any node associated to a subpopulation with less than **min_points_per_node** points will be removed. filter_bnds : list of lists or numpy array of shape (num_filters) x 2) limits of each filter, of the form [[f_1^min, f_1^max], ..., [f_n^min, f_n^max]]. If one of the values is numpy.nan, it can be computed from the dataset with the fit() method. resolutions : list or numpy array of shape num_filters containing integers resolution of each filter function, ie number of intervals required to cover each filter image. If None, it is estimated from data. gains : list or numpy array of shape num_filters containing doubles in [0,1] gain of each filter function, ie overlap percentage of the intervals covering each filter image. If None, it is set as 1/3 for all filters, since in the automatic parameter selection method in, any arbitrary value between 1/3 and 1/2 works, so we go with the minimal one (ensuring that the complex is a graph if only given one filter). clustering : class clustering class (default sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN()). Common clustering classes can be found in the scikit-learn library (such as AgglomerativeClustering for instance). If None, it is set to hierarchical clustering, with scale estimated from data. N : int subsampling iterations (default 100) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if clustering or resolutions = None. See for details. beta : float exponent parameter (default 0.) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if clustering or resolutions = None. See for details. C : float constant parameter (default 10.) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if clustering or resolutions = None. See for details. verbose : bool whether to display info while computing. """ self.filter_bnds, self.resolutions, self.gains, self.clustering = filter_bnds, resolutions, gains, clustering self.input_type, self.min_points_per_node, self.N, self.beta, self.C = input_type, min_points_per_node, N, beta, C CoverComplexPy.__init__(self, verbose)
[docs] def estimate_scale(self, X, N=100, beta=0., C=10.): """ Compute estimated scale of a point cloud or a distance matrix. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix input point cloud or distance matrix. N : int subsampling iterations (default 100). See for details. beta : float exponent parameter (default 0.). See for details. C : float constant parameter (default 10.). See for details. Returns ------- delta : float estimated scale that can be used with, e.g., agglomerative clustering. """ num_pts = X.shape[0] delta, m = 0., int( num_pts / np.exp((1+beta) * np.log(np.log(num_pts)/np.log(C))) ) for _ in range(N): subpop = np.random.choice(num_pts, size=m, replace=False) if self.input_type == "point cloud": d, _, _ = directed_hausdorff(X, X[subpop,:]) if self.input_type == "distance matrix": d = np.max(np.min(X[:,subpop], axis=1), axis=0) delta += d/N return delta
[docs] def get_optimal_parameters_for_agglomerative_clustering(self, X, beta=0., C=10., N=100): """ Compute optimal scale and resolutions for a point cloud or a distance matrix. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix input point cloud or distance matrix. beta : float exponent parameter (default 0.). See for details. C : float constant parameter (default 10.). See for details. N : int subsampling iterations (default 100). See for details. Returns ------- delta : float optimal scale that can be used with agglomerative clustering. resolutions : numpy array of shape (num_filters) optimal resolutions associated to each filter. """ num_filt, delta = self.filters.shape[1], 0 delta = self.estimate_scale(X=X, N=N, C=C, beta=beta) pairwise = pairwise_distances(X, metric="euclidean") if self.input_type == "point cloud" else X pairs = np.argwhere(pairwise <= delta) num_pairs = pairs.shape[0] res = [] for f in range(num_filt): F = self.filters[:,f] resf = 0 for p in range(num_pairs): resf = max(resf, abs(F[pairs[p,0]] - F[pairs[p,1]])) res.append(resf) return delta, np.array(res)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, filters=None, colors=None): """ Fit the MapperComplex class on a point cloud or a distance matrix: compute the Mapper complex and store it in a simplex tree called `simplex_tree_`. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix input point cloud or distance matrix. y : n x 1 array point labels (unused). filters : list of lists or numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_filters) filter functions (sometimes called lenses) used to compute the cover. Each column of the numpy array defines a scalar function defined on the input points. colors : list of lists or numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_colors) functions used to color the nodes of the cover complex. More specifically, coloring is done by computing the means of these functions on the subpopulations corresponding to each node. If None, first coordinate is used if input is point cloud, and eccentricity is used if input is distance matrix. """ if self.resolutions is not None: self.resolutions = np.array(self.resolutions) if len(self.resolutions.shape) == 0: self.resolutions = np.broadcast_to(self.resolutions, 1) if self.gains is not None: self.gains = np.array(self.gains) if len(self.gains.shape) == 0: self.gains = np.broadcast_to(self.gains, 1) if self.filter_bnds is not None: self.filter_bnds = np.array(self.filter_bnds) self.filters, self.colors = filters, colors if self.filters is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.filters = X[:,0:1] elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.filters = X.max(axis=0)[:,None] else: if isinstance(self.filters, np.ndarray) == False: self.filters = np.array(self.filters).T if self.colors is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.colors = X[:,0:1] elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.colors = X.max(axis=0)[:,None] else: if isinstance(self.colors, np.ndarray) == False: self.colors = np.array(self.colors).T if len(self.filters.shape) == 1: # if self.filters is a 1D filter, convert it to an array of shape [n,1] self.filters = np.reshape(self.filters, [len(X),1]) if len(self.colors.shape) == 1: # if self.colors is a 1D filter, convert it to an array of shape [n,1] self.colors = np.reshape(self.colors, [len(X),1]) num_pts, num_filters = self.filters.shape[0], self.filters.shape[1] # If some filter limits are unspecified, automatically compute them if self.filter_bnds is None: self.filter_bnds = np.hstack([np.min(self.filters, axis=0)[:,np.newaxis], np.max(self.filters, axis=0)[:,np.newaxis]]) # If some resolutions are not specified, automatically compute them if self.gains is None: self.gains = np.broadcast_to(1/3, num_filters) if self.resolutions is None or self.clustering is None: delta, resolutions = self.get_optimal_parameters_for_agglomerative_clustering(X=X, beta=self.beta, C=self.C, N=self.N) if self.clustering is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, linkage="single", distance_threshold=delta, affinity="euclidean") else: self.clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, linkage="single", distance_threshold=delta, affinity="precomputed") if self.resolutions is None: self.resolutions = np.multiply(resolutions, 1./self.gains) self.resolutions = np.array([int( (self.filter_bnds[ir,1]-self.filter_bnds[ir,0])/r) for ir, r in enumerate(self.resolutions)]) # Initialize attributes self.simplex_tree_, self.node_info_ = SimplexTree(), {} if np.all(self.gains < .5): # Compute which points fall in which patch or patch intersections interval_inds, intersec_inds = np.empty(self.filters.shape), np.empty(self.filters.shape) for i in range(num_filters): f, r, g = self.filters[:,i], self.resolutions[i], self.gains[i] min_f, max_f = self.filter_bnds[i,0], np.nextafter(self.filter_bnds[i,1], np.inf) interval_endpoints, l = np.linspace(min_f, max_f, num=r+1, retstep=True) intersec_endpoints = [] for j in range(1, len(interval_endpoints)-1): intersec_endpoints.append(interval_endpoints[j] - g*l / (2 - 2*g)) intersec_endpoints.append(interval_endpoints[j] + g*l / (2 - 2*g)) interval_inds[:,i] = np.digitize(f, interval_endpoints) intersec_inds[:,i] = 0.5 * (np.digitize(f, intersec_endpoints) + 1) # Build the binned_data map that takes a patch or a patch intersection and outputs the indices of the points contained in it binned_data = {} for i in range(num_pts): list_preimage = [] for j in range(num_filters): a, b = interval_inds[i,j], intersec_inds[i,j] list_preimage.append([a]) if b == a: list_preimage[j].append(a+1) if b == a-1: list_preimage[j].append(a-1) list_preimage = list(itertools.product(*list_preimage)) for pre_idx in list_preimage: try: binned_data[pre_idx].append(i) except KeyError: binned_data[pre_idx] = [i] else: # Compute interval endpoints for each filter l_int, r_int = [], [] for i in range(num_filters): L, R = [], [] f, r, g = self.filters[:,i], self.resolutions[i], self.gains[i] min_f, max_f = self.filter_bnds[i,0], np.nextafter(self.filter_bnds[i,1], np.inf) interval_endpoints, l = np.linspace(min_f, max_f, num=r+1, retstep=True) for j in range(len(interval_endpoints)-1): L.append(interval_endpoints[j] - g*l / (2 - 2*g)) R.append(interval_endpoints[j+1] + g*l / (2 - 2*g)) l_int.append(L) r_int.append(R) # Build the binned_data map that takes a patch or a patch intersection and outputs the indices of the points contained in it binned_data = {} for i in range(num_pts): list_preimage = [] for j in range(num_filters): fval = self.filters[i,j] start, end = int(min(np.argwhere(np.array(r_int[j]) >= fval))), int(max(np.argwhere(np.array(l_int[j]) <= fval))) list_preimage.append(list(range(start, end+1))) list_preimage = list(itertools.product(*list_preimage)) for pre_idx in list_preimage: try: binned_data[pre_idx].append(i) except KeyError: binned_data[pre_idx] = [i] # Initialize the cover map, that takes a point and outputs the clusters to which it belongs cover, clus_base = [[] for _ in range(num_pts)], 0 # For each patch for preimage in binned_data: # Apply clustering on the corresponding subpopulation idxs = np.array(binned_data[preimage]) if len(idxs) > 1: clusters = self.clustering.fit_predict(X[idxs,:]) if self.input_type == "point cloud" else self.clustering.fit_predict(X[idxs,:][:,idxs]) elif len(idxs) == 1: clusters = np.array([0]) else: continue # Collect various information on each cluster num_clus_pre = np.max(clusters) + 1 for clus_i in range(num_clus_pre): node_name = clus_base + clus_i subpopulation = idxs[clusters == clus_i] self.node_info_[node_name] = {} self.node_info_[node_name]["indices"] = subpopulation self.node_info_[node_name]["size"] = len(subpopulation) self.node_info_[node_name]["colors"] = np.mean(self.colors[subpopulation,:], axis=0) self.node_info_[node_name]["patch"] = preimage # Update the cover map for pt in range(clusters.shape[0]): node_name = clus_base + clusters[pt] if clusters[pt] != -1 and self.node_info_[node_name]["size"] >= self.min_points_per_node: cover[idxs[pt]].append(node_name) clus_base += np.max(clusters) + 1 # Insert the simplices of the Mapper complex for i in range(num_pts): self.simplex_tree_.insert(cover[i]) return self
[docs]class GraphInducedComplex(CoverComplexPy): """ This is a class for computing graph induced simplicial complexes on point clouds or distance matrices. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, input_type="point cloud", cover="functional", min_points_per_node=0, voronoi_samples=100, assignments=None, filter_bnds=None, resolution=None, gain=None, N=100, beta=0., C=10., graph="rips", rips_threshold=None, verbose=False): """ Constructor for the GraphInducedComplex class. Parameters: input_type (string): type of input data. Either "point cloud" or "distance matrix". cover (string): specifies the cover. Either "functional" (preimages of filter function), "voronoi" or "precomputed". min_points_per_node (int): threshold on the size of the cover complex nodes (default 0). Any node associated to a subpopulation with less than **min_points_per_node** points will be removed. voronoi_samples (int): number of Voronoi germs used for partitioning the input dataset. Used only if cover = "voronoi". assignments (list of length (num_points) of lists of integers): cover assignment for each point. Used only if cover = "precomputed". filter_bnds (list or numpy array of shape 2): limits of the filter function, of the form [f^min, f^max]. If one of the values is numpy.nan, it can be computed from the dataset with the fit() method. Used only if cover = "functional". resolution (int): resolution of the filter function, ie number of intervals required to cover each filter image. Used only if cover = "functional". If None, it is estimated from data. gain (double in [0,1]): gain of the filter function, ie overlap percentage of the intervals covering each filter image. Used only if cover = "functional". N (int): subsampling iterations (default 100) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if cover = "functional". See for details. beta (double): exponent parameter (default 0.) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if cover = "functional". See for details. C (double): constant parameter (default 10.) for estimating scale and resolutions. Used only if cover = "functional". See for details. graph (string): type of graph to use for GIC. Currently accepts "rips" only. rips_threshold (float): Rips parameter. Used only if graph = "rips". verbose (bool): whether to display info while computing. """ self.input_type, self.cover, self.min_points_per_node = input_type, cover, min_points_per_node self.voronoi_samples, self.assignments, self.filter_bnds, self.resolution, self.gain = voronoi_samples, assignments, filter_bnds, resolution, gain self.graph, self.rips_threshold, self.N, self.beta, self.C = graph, rips_threshold, N, beta, C CoverComplexPy.__init__(self, verbose)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, filter=None, color=None): """ Fit the GraphInducedComplex class on a point cloud or a distance matrix: compute the graph induced complex and store it in a simplex tree called `simplex_tree_`. Parameters: X (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix): input point cloud or distance matrix. y (n x 1 array): point labels (unused). filter (list or numpy array of shape (num_points)): filter function (sometimes called lens) used to compute the cover. Used only if cover = "functional". color (list or numpy array of shape (num_points)): function used to color the nodes of the cover complex. More specifically, coloring is done by computing the means of this function on the subpopulations corresponding to each node. If None, first coordinate is used if input is point cloud, and eccentricity is used if input is distance matrix. """, self.filter, self.color = X, filter, color self.complex = CoverComplex() self.complex.set_type("GIC") self.complex.set_verbose(self.verbose) if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.complex.set_point_cloud_from_range(X) elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.complex.set_distances_from_range(X) # Set vertex color if self.color is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.color = X[:,0] elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.color = X.max(axis=0) else: self.color = np.array(self.color) self.complex.set_color_from_range(self.color) # Set underlying graph if self.graph == "rips": if self.rips_threshold is not None: self.complex.set_graph_from_rips(self.rips_threshold) else: self.complex.set_subsampling(self.C, self.beta) self.complex.set_graph_from_automatic_rips(self.N) # Set vertex cover if self.cover == "voronoi": self.complex.set_cover_from_Voronoi(self.voronoi_samples) elif self.cover == "functional": if self.filter is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.filter = X[:,0] elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.filter = X.max(axis=0) else: self.filter = np.array(self.filter) self.complex.set_function_from_range(self.filter) if self.resolution is None: self.complex.set_automatic_resolution() else: self.complex.set_resolution_with_interval_number(self.resolution) if self.gain is None: self.complex.set_gain(.33) else: self.complex.set_gain(self.gain) self.complex.set_cover_from_function() elif self.cover == "precomputed": self.complex.set_cover_from_range(self.assignments) # Compute simplex tree self.complex.set_mask(self.min_points_per_node) self.complex.find_simplices() simplex_tree_ = self.complex.create_simplex_tree() # Normalize vertex names of simplex tree self.simplex_tree_ = SimplexTree() idv, names = 0, {} for v,_ in simplex_tree_.get_skeleton(0): if len(self.complex.subpopulation(v[0])) > self.min_points_per_node: names[v[0]] = idv self.simplex_tree_.insert([idv]) idv += 1 for s,_ in simplex_tree_.get_simplices(): if len(s) >= 2 and np.all([len(self.complex.subpopulation(v)) > self.min_points_per_node for v in s]): self.simplex_tree_.insert([names[v] for v in s]) # Store vertex info self.node_info_ = {} for v,_ in simplex_tree_.get_skeleton(0): if len(self.complex.subpopulation(v[0])) > self.min_points_per_node: node = names[v[0]] pop = self.complex.subpopulation(v[0]) self.node_info_[node] = {"indices": pop, "size": len(pop), "colors": [self.complex.subcolor(v[0])]} return self
[docs]class NerveComplex(CoverComplexPy): """ This is a class for computing nerve simplicial complexes on point clouds or distance matrices. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, input_type="point cloud", min_points_per_node=0, verbose=False): """ Constructor for the NerveComplex class. Parameters: input_type (string): type of input data. Either "point cloud" or "distance matrix". min_points_per_node (int): threshold on the size of the cover complex nodes (default 0). Any node associated to a subpopulation with less than **min_points_per_node** points will be removed. verbose (bool): whether to display info while computing. """ self.input_type, self.min_points_per_node = input_type, min_points_per_node CoverComplexPy.__init__(self, verbose)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, assignments=None, color=None): """ Fit the NerveComplex class on a point cloud or a distance matrix: compute the nerve complex and store it in a simplex tree called `simplex_tree_`. Parameters: X (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix): input point cloud or distance matrix. y (n x 1 array): point labels (unused). assignments (list of length (num_points) of lists of integers): cover assignment for each point. color (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_colors)): functions used to color the nodes of the cover complex. More specifically, coloring is done by computing the means of these functions on the subpopulations corresponding to each node. If None, first coordinate is used if input is point cloud, and eccentricity is used if input is distance matrix. """, self.color = X, color self.assignments = assignments self.complex = CoverComplex() self.complex.set_type("Nerve") self.complex.set_verbose(self.verbose) if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.complex.set_point_cloud_from_range(X) elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.complex.set_distances_from_range(X) # Set vertex color if self.color is None: if self.input_type == "point cloud": self.color = X[:,0] elif self.input_type == "distance matrix": self.color = X.max(axis=0) else: self.color = np.array(self.color) self.complex.set_color_from_range(self.color) # Set vertex cover self.complex.set_cover_from_range(self.assignments) # Compute simplex tree self.complex.set_mask(self.min_points_per_node) self.complex.find_simplices() simplex_tree_ = self.complex.create_simplex_tree() # Normalize vertex names of simplex tree self.simplex_tree_ = SimplexTree() idv, names = 0, {} for v,_ in simplex_tree_.get_skeleton(0): if len(self.complex.subpopulation(v[0])) > self.min_points_per_node: names[v[0]] = idv self.simplex_tree_.insert([idv]) idv += 1 for s,_ in simplex_tree_.get_simplices(): if len(s) >= 2 and np.all([len(self.complex.subpopulation(v)) > self.min_points_per_node for v in s]): self.simplex_tree_.insert([names[v] for v in s]) # Store vertex info self.node_info_ = {} for v,_ in simplex_tree_.get_skeleton(0): if len(self.complex.subpopulation(v[0])) > self.min_points_per_node: node = names[v[0]] pop = self.complex.subpopulation(v[0]) self.node_info_[node] = {"indices": pop, "size": len(pop), "colors": [self.complex.subcolor(v[0])]} return self