Source code for gudhi.wasserstein.barycenter

# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
# Author(s):       Theo Lacombe
# Copyright (C) 2019 Inria
# Modification(s):
#   - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification

import ot
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as sc

from gudhi.wasserstein import wasserstein_distance

def _mean(x, m):
    :param x: a list of 2D-points, off diagonal, x_0... x_{k-1}
    :param m: total amount of points taken into account, that is we have (m-k) copies of diagonal
    :returns: the weighted mean of x with (m-k) copies of the diagonal
    k = len(x)
    if k > 0:
        w = np.mean(x, axis=0)
        w_delta = (w[0] + w[1]) / 2 * np.ones(2)
        return (k * w + (m-k) * w_delta) / m
        return np.array([0, 0])

[docs]def lagrangian_barycenter(pdiagset, init=None, verbose=False): ''' :param pdiagset: a list of ``numpy.array`` of shape `(n x 2)` (`n` can variate), encoding a set of persistence diagrams with only finite coordinates. :param init: The initial value for barycenter estimate. If ``None``, init is made on a random diagram from the dataset. Otherwise, it can be an ``int`` (then initialization is made on ``pdiagset[init]``) or a `(n x 2)` ``numpy.array`` encoding a persistence diagram with `n` points. :type init: ``int``, or (n x 2) ``np.array`` :param verbose: if ``True``, returns additional information about the barycenter. :type verbose: boolean :returns: If not verbose (default), a ``numpy.array`` encoding the barycenter estimate of pdiagset (local minimum of the energy function). If ``pdiagset`` is empty, returns ``None``. If verbose, returns a couple ``(Y, log)`` where ``Y`` is the barycenter estimate, and ``log`` is a ``dict`` that contains additional information: - `"groupings"`, a list of list of pairs ``(i,j)``. Namely, ``G[k] = [...(i, j)...]``, where ``(i,j)`` indicates that `pdiagset[k][i]`` is matched to ``Y[j]`` if ``i = -1`` or ``j = -1``, it means they represent the diagonal. - `"energy"`, ``float`` representing the Frechet energy value obtained. It is the mean of squared distances of observations to the output. - `"nb_iter"`, ``int`` number of iterations performed before convergence of the algorithm. ''' X = pdiagset # to shorten notations, not a copy m = len(X) # number of diagrams we are averaging if m == 0: print("Warning: computing barycenter of empty diag set. Returns None") return None # store the number of off-diagonal point for each of the X_i nb_off_diag = np.array([len(X_i) for X_i in X]) # Initialisation of barycenter if init is None: i0 = np.random.randint(m) # Index of first state for the barycenter Y = X[i0].copy() else: if type(init)==int: Y = X[init].copy() else: Y = init.copy() nb_iter = 0 converged = False # stopping criterion while not converged: nb_iter += 1 K = len(Y) # current nb of points in Y (some might be on diagonal) G = np.full((K, m), -1, dtype=int) # will store for each j, the (index) # point matched in each other diagram #(might be the diagonal). # that is G[j, i] = k <=> y_j is matched to # x_k in the diagram i-th diagram X[i] updated_points = np.zeros((K, 2)) # will store the new positions of # the points of Y. # If points disappear, there thrown # on [0,0] by default. new_created_points = [] # will store potential new points. # Step 1 : compute optimal matching (Y, X_i) for each X_i # and create new points in Y if needed for i in range(m): _, indices = wasserstein_distance(Y, X[i], matching=True, order=2., internal_p=2.) for y_j, x_i_j in indices: if y_j >= 0: # we matched an off diagonal point to x_i_j... if x_i_j >= 0: # ...which is also an off-diagonal point. G[y_j, i] = x_i_j else: # ...which is a diagonal point G[y_j, i] = -1 # -1 stands for the diagonal (mask) else: # We matched a diagonal point to x_i_j... if x_i_j >= 0: # which is a off-diag point ! # need to create new point in Y new_y = _mean(np.array([X[i][x_i_j]]), m) # Average this point with (m-1) copies of Delta new_created_points.append(new_y) # Step 2 : Update current point position thanks to groupings computed to_delete = [] for j in range(K): matched_points = [X[i][G[j, i]] for i in range(m) if G[j, i] > -1] new_y_j = _mean(matched_points, m) if not np.array_equal(new_y_j, np.array([0,0])): updated_points[j] = new_y_j else: # this points is no longer of any use. to_delete.append(j) # we remove the point to be deleted now. updated_points = np.delete(updated_points, to_delete, axis=0) # we cannot converge if there have been new created points. if new_created_points: Y = np.concatenate((updated_points, new_created_points)) else: # Step 3 : we check convergence if np.array_equal(updated_points, Y): converged = True Y = updated_points if verbose: groupings = [] energy = 0 log = {} n_y = len(Y) for i in range(m): cost, edges = wasserstein_distance(Y, X[i], matching=True, order=2., internal_p=2.) groupings.append(edges) energy += cost log["groupings"] = groupings energy = energy/m log["energy"] = energy log["nb_iter"] = nb_iter return Y, log else: return Y