Source code for gudhi.weighted_rips_complex

# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
# Author(s):       Raphaƫl Tinarrage, Yuichi Ike, Masatoshi Takenouchi
# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, Copyright (C) 2020 FUjitsu Laboratories Ltd.
# Modification(s):
#   - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification

from gudhi import SimplexTree

[docs]class WeightedRipsComplex: """ Class to generate a weighted Rips complex from a distance matrix and weights on vertices, in the way described in :cite:`dtmfiltrations` with `p=1`. The filtration value of vertex `i` is `2*weights[i]`, and the filtration value of edge `ij` is `distance_matrix[i][j]+weights[i]+weights[j]`, or the maximum of the filtrations of its extremities, whichever is largest. Remark that all the filtration values are doubled compared to the definition in the paper for consistency with RipsComplex. """
[docs] def __init__(self, distance_matrix, weights=None, max_filtration=float('inf')): """ Args: distance_matrix (Sequence[Sequence[float]]): distance matrix (full square or lower triangular). weights (Sequence[float]): (one half of) weight for each vertex. max_filtration (float): specifies the maximal filtration value to be considered. """ self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix if weights is not None: self.weights = weights else: self.weights = [0] * len(distance_matrix) self.max_filtration = max_filtration
[docs] def create_simplex_tree(self, max_dimension): """ Args: max_dimension (int): graph expansion until this given dimension. """ dist = self.distance_matrix F = self.weights num_pts = len(dist) st = SimplexTree() for i in range(num_pts): if 2*F[i] <= self.max_filtration: st.insert([i], 2*F[i]) for i in range(num_pts): for j in range(i): value = max(2*F[i], 2*F[j], dist[i][j] + F[i] + F[j]) # max is needed when F is not 1-Lipschitz if value <= self.max_filtration: st.insert([i,j], filtration=value) st.expansion(max_dimension) return st