Source code for gudhi.weighted_rips_complex
# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
# Author(s): Raphaël Tinarrage, Yuichi Ike, Masatoshi Takenouchi
# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, Copyright (C) 2020 FUjitsu Laboratories Ltd.
# Modification(s):
# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
from gudhi import SimplexTree
[docs]class WeightedRipsComplex:
Class to generate a weighted Rips complex from a distance matrix and weights on vertices,
in the way described in :cite:`dtmfiltrations`.
Remark that all the filtration values are doubled compared to the definition in the paper
for the consistency with RipsComplex.
[docs] def __init__(self,
distance_matrix (Sequence[Sequence[float]]): distance matrix (full square or lower triangular).
weights (Sequence[float]): (one half of) weight for each vertex.
max_filtration (float): specifies the maximal filtration value to be considered.
self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix
if weights is not None:
self.weights = weights
self.weights = [0] * len(distance_matrix)
self.max_filtration = max_filtration
[docs] def create_simplex_tree(self, max_dimension):
max_dimension (int): graph expansion until this given dimension.
dist = self.distance_matrix
F = self.weights
num_pts = len(dist)
st = SimplexTree()
for i in range(num_pts):
if 2*F[i] <= self.max_filtration:
st.insert([i], 2*F[i])
for i in range(num_pts):
for j in range(i):
value = max(2*F[i], 2*F[j], dist[i][j] + F[i] + F[j])
# max is needed when F is not 1-Lipschitz
if value <= self.max_filtration:
st.insert([i,j], filtration=value)
return st