# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details.
# Author(s): Marc Glisse
# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria
# Modification(s):
# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
import numpy
from ..point_cloud.knn import KNearestNeighbors
from ..point_cloud.dtm import DTMDensity
from ._tomato import *
# The fit/predict interface is not so well suited...
[docs]class Tomato:
This clustering algorithm needs a neighborhood graph on the points, and an estimation of the density at each point.
A few possible graph constructions and density estimators are provided for convenience, but it is perfectly natural
to provide your own.
:Requires: `SciPy <installation.html#scipy>`_, `Scikit-learn <installation.html#scikit-learn>`_ or others
(see :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors`) in function of the options.
n_clusters_: int
The number of clusters. Writing to it automatically adjusts `labels_`.
merge_threshold_: float
minimum prominence of a cluster so it doesn't get merged. Writing to it automatically adjusts `labels_`.
n_leaves_: int
number of leaves (unstable clusters) in the hierarchical tree
leaf_labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
cluster labels for each point, at the very bottom of the hierarchy
labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
cluster labels for each point, after merging
diagram_: ndarray of shape (`n_leaves_`, 2)
persistence diagram (only the finite points)
max_weight_per_cc_: ndarray of shape (n_connected_components,)
maximum of the density function on each connected component. This corresponds to the abscissa of infinite
points in the diagram
children_: ndarray of shape (`n_leaves_`-n_connected_components, 2)
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_leaves_` correspond to leaves of the tree.
A node i greater than or equal to `n_leaves_` is a non-leaf node and has children children_[i - `n_leaves_`].
Alternatively at the i-th iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1] are merged to form node `n_leaves_` + i
weights_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
weights of the points, as computed by the density estimator or provided by the user
params_: dict
Parameters like metric, etc
[docs] def __init__(
# eliminate_threshold=None,
# eliminate_threshold (float): minimum max weight of a cluster so it doesn't get eliminated
graph_type (str): 'manual', 'knn' or 'radius'. Default is 'knn'.
density_type (str): 'manual', 'DTM', 'logDTM', 'KDE' or 'logKDE'. When you have many points,
'KDE' and 'logKDE' tend to be slower. Default is 'logDTM'.
metric (str|Callable): metric used when calculating the distance between instances in a feature array.
Defaults to Minkowski of parameter p.
kde_params (dict): if density_type is 'KDE' or 'logKDE', additional parameters passed directly to
k (int): number of neighbors for a knn graph (including the vertex itself). Defaults to 10.
k_DTM (int): number of neighbors for the DTM density estimation (including the vertex itself).
Defaults to k.
r (float): size of a neighborhood if graph_type is 'radius'. Also used as default bandwidth in kde_params.
eps (float): (1+eps) approximation factor when computing distances (ignored in many cases).
n_clusters (int): number of clusters requested. Defaults to None, i.e. no merging occurs and we get
the maximal number of clusters.
merge_threshold (float): minimum prominence of a cluster so it doesn't get merged.
symmetrize_graph (bool): whether we should add edges to make the neighborhood graph symmetric.
This can be useful with k-NN for small k. Defaults to false.
p (float): norm L^p on input points. Defaults to 2.
q (float): order used to compute the distance to measure. Defaults to dim.
Beware that when the dimension is large, this can easily cause overflows.
dim (float): final exponent in DTM density estimation, representing the dimension. Defaults to the
dimension, or 2 when the dimension cannot be read from the input (metric is "precomputed").
n_jobs (int): Number of jobs to schedule for parallel processing on the CPU.
If -1 is given all processors are used. Default: 1.
params: extra parameters are passed to :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` and
# Should metric='precomputed' mean input_type='distance_matrix'?
# Should we be able to pass metric='minkowski' (what None does currently)?
self.graph_type_ = graph_type
self.density_type_ = density_type
self.params_ = params
self.__n_clusters = n_clusters
self.__merge_threshold = merge_threshold
# self.eliminate_threshold_ = eliminate_threshold
if n_clusters and merge_threshold:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify both a merge threshold and a number of clusters")
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, weights=None):
X ((n,d)-array of float|(n,n)-array of float|Sequence[Iterable[int]]): coordinates of the points,
or distance matrix (full, not just a triangle) if metric is "precomputed", or list of neighbors
for each point (points are represented by their index, starting from 0) if graph_type is "manual".
The number of points is currently limited to about 2 billion.
weights (ndarray of shape (n_samples)): if density_type is 'manual', a density estimate at each point
y: Not used, present here for API consistency with scikit-learn by convention.
# TODO: First detect if this is a new call with the same data (only threshold changed?)
# TODO: less code duplication (subroutines?), less spaghetti, but don't compute neighbors twice if not needed. Clear error message for missing or contradictory parameters.
if weights is not None:
density_type = "manual"
density_type = self.density_type_
if density_type == "manual":
raise ValueError("If density_type is 'manual', you must provide weights to fit()")
if self.graph_type_ == "manual":
self.neighbors_ = X
# FIXME: uniformize "message 'option'" vs 'message "option"'
assert density_type == "manual", 'If graph_type is "manual", density_type must be as well'
metric = self.params_.get("metric", "minkowski")
if metric != "precomputed":
self.points_ = X
# Slight complication to avoid computing knn twice.
need_knn = 0
need_knn_ngb = False
need_knn_dist = False
if self.graph_type_ == "knn":
k_graph = self.params_.get("k", 10)
# If X has fewer than k points...
if k_graph > len(X):
k_graph = len(X)
need_knn = k_graph
need_knn_ngb = True
if self.density_type_ in ["DTM", "logDTM"]:
k = self.params_.get("k", 10)
k_DTM = self.params_.get("k_DTM", k)
# If X has fewer than k points...
if k_DTM > len(X):
k_DTM = len(X)
need_knn = max(need_knn, k_DTM)
need_knn_dist = True
# if we ask for more neighbors for the graph than the DTM, getting the distances is a slight waste,
# but it looks negligible
if need_knn > 0:
knn_args = dict(self.params_)
knn_args["k"] = need_knn
knn = KNearestNeighbors(return_index=need_knn_ngb, return_distance=need_knn_dist, **knn_args).fit_transform(
if need_knn_ngb:
if need_knn_dist:
self.neighbors_ = knn[0][:, 0:k_graph]
knn_dist = knn[1]
self.neighbors_ = knn
elif need_knn_dist:
knn_dist = knn
if self.density_type_ in ["DTM", "logDTM"]:
dim = self.params_.get("dim")
if dim is None:
dim = len(X[0]) if metric != "precomputed" else 2
q = self.params_.get("q", dim)
weights = DTMDensity(k=k_DTM, metric="neighbors", dim=dim, q=q).fit_transform(knn_dist)
if self.density_type_ == "logDTM":
weights = numpy.log(weights)
if self.graph_type_ == "radius":
if metric in ["minkowski", "euclidean", "manhattan", "chebyshev"]:
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
tree = cKDTree(X)
# TODO: handle "l1" and "l2" aliases?
p = self.params_.get("p")
if metric == "euclidean":
assert p is None or p == 2, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='euclidean'"
p = 2
elif metric == "manhattan":
assert p is None or p == 1, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='manhattan'"
p = 1
elif metric == "chebyshev":
assert p is None or p == numpy.inf, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='chebyshev'"
p = numpy.inf
elif p is None:
p = 2 # the default
eps = self.params_.get("eps", 0)
self.neighbors_ = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r=self.params_["r"], p=p, eps=eps)
# TODO: sklearn's NearestNeighbors.radius_neighbors can handle more metrics efficiently via its BallTree
# (don't bother with the _graph variant, it just calls radius_neighbors).
elif metric != "precomputed":
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
X = pairwise_distances(X, metric=metric, n_jobs=self.params_.get("n_jobs"))
metric = "precomputed"
if metric == "precomputed":
# TODO: parallelize? May not be worth it.
X = numpy.asarray(X)
r = self.params_["r"]
self.neighbors_ = [numpy.flatnonzero(l <= r) for l in X]
if self.density_type_ in {"KDE", "logKDE"}:
# Slow...
assert (
self.graph_type_ != "manual" and metric != "precomputed"
), "Scikit-learn's KernelDensity requires point coordinates"
kde_params = dict(self.params_.get("kde_params", dict()))
kde_params.setdefault("metric", metric)
r = self.params_.get("r")
if r is not None:
kde_params.setdefault("bandwidth", r)
# Should we default rtol to eps?
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
weights = KernelDensity(**kde_params).fit(self.points_).score_samples(self.points_)
if self.density_type_ == "KDE":
weights = numpy.exp(weights)
# TODO: do it at the C++ level and/or in parallel if this is too slow?
if self.params_.get("symmetrize_graph"):
self.neighbors_ = [set(line) for line in self.neighbors_]
for i, line in enumerate(self.neighbors_):
for j in line:
self.weights_ = weights
# This is where the main computation happens
self.leaf_labels_, self.children_, self.diagram_, self.max_weight_per_cc_ = hierarchy(self.neighbors_, weights)
self.n_leaves_ = len(self.max_weight_per_cc_) + len(self.children_)
assert self.leaf_labels_.max() + 1 == len(self.max_weight_per_cc_) + len(self.children_)
# TODO: deduplicate this code with the setters below
if self.__merge_threshold:
assert not self.__n_clusters
self.__n_clusters = numpy.count_nonzero(
self.diagram_[:, 0] - self.diagram_[:, 1] > self.__merge_threshold
) + len(self.max_weight_per_cc_)
if self.__n_clusters:
# TODO: set corresponding merge_threshold?
renaming = merge(self.children_, self.n_leaves_, self.__n_clusters)
self.labels_ = renaming[self.leaf_labels_]
# In case the user asked for something impossible.
# TODO: check for impossible situations before calling merge.
self.__n_clusters = self.labels_.max() + 1
self.labels_ = self.leaf_labels_
self.__n_clusters = self.n_leaves_
return self
[docs] def fit_predict(self, X, y=None, weights=None):
Equivalent to fit(), and returns the `labels_`.
return self.fit(X, y, weights).labels_
# TODO: add argument k or threshold? Have a version where you can click and it shows the line and the corresponding k?
[docs] def plot_diagram(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
l = self.max_weight_per_cc_.min()
r = self.max_weight_per_cc_.max()
if self.diagram_.size > 0:
plt.plot(self.diagram_[:, 0], self.diagram_[:, 1], "ro")
l = min(l, self.diagram_[:, 1].min())
r = max(r, self.diagram_[:, 0].max())
if l == r:
if l > 0:
l, r = 0.9 * l, 1.1 * r
elif l < 0:
l, r = 1.1 * l, 0.9 * r
l, r = -1.0, 1.0
plt.plot([l, r], [l, r])
self.max_weight_per_cc_, numpy.full(self.max_weight_per_cc_.shape, 1.1 * l - 0.1 * r), "ro", color="green"
# Use set_params instead?
def n_clusters_(self):
return self.__n_clusters
def n_clusters_(self, n_clusters):
if n_clusters == self.__n_clusters:
self.__n_clusters = n_clusters
self.__merge_threshold = None
if hasattr(self, "leaf_labels_"):
renaming = merge(self.children_, self.n_leaves_, self.__n_clusters)
self.labels_ = renaming[self.leaf_labels_]
# In case the user asked for something impossible
self.__n_clusters = self.labels_.max() + 1
def merge_threshold_(self):
return self.__merge_threshold
def merge_threshold_(self, merge_threshold):
if merge_threshold == self.__merge_threshold:
if hasattr(self, "leaf_labels_"):
self.n_clusters_ = numpy.count_nonzero(self.diagram_[:, 0] - self.diagram_[:, 1] > merge_threshold) + len(
self.__n_clusters = None
self.__merge_threshold = merge_threshold