# This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT.
# See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details.
# Author(s): Marc Glisse
# Copyright (C) 2020 Inria
# Modification(s):
# - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
import numpy
from ..point_cloud.knn import KNearestNeighbors
from ..point_cloud.dtm import DTMDensity
from ._tomato import *
# The fit/predict interface is not so well suited...
class Tomato:
This clustering algorithm needs a neighborhood graph on the points, and an estimation of the density at each point.
A few possible graph constructions and density estimators are provided for convenience, but it is perfectly natural
to provide your own.
:Requires: `SciPy <installation.html#scipy>`_, `Scikit-learn <installation.html#scikit-learn>`_ or others
(see :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors`) in function of the options.
n_clusters_: int
The number of clusters. Writing to it automatically adjusts `labels_`.
merge_threshold_: float
minimum prominence of a cluster so it doesn't get merged. Writing to it automatically adjusts `labels_`.
n_leaves_: int
number of leaves (unstable clusters) in the hierarchical tree
leaf_labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
cluster labels for each point, at the very bottom of the hierarchy
labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
cluster labels for each point, after merging
diagram_: ndarray of shape (`n_leaves_`, 2)
persistence diagram (only the finite points)
max_weight_per_cc_: ndarray of shape (n_connected_components,)
maximum of the density function on each connected component. This corresponds to the abscissa of infinite
points in the diagram
children_: ndarray of shape (`n_leaves_`-n_connected_components, 2)
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_leaves_` correspond to leaves of the tree.
A node i greater than or equal to `n_leaves_` is a non-leaf node and has children children_[i - `n_leaves_`].
Alternatively at the i-th iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1] are merged to form node `n_leaves_` + i
weights_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
weights of the points, as computed by the density estimator or provided by the user
params_: dict
Parameters like metric, etc
def __init__(
# eliminate_threshold=None,
# eliminate_threshold (float): minimum max weight of a cluster so it doesn't get eliminated
graph_type (str): 'manual', 'knn' or 'radius'. Default is 'knn'.
density_type (str): 'manual', 'DTM', 'logDTM', 'KDE' or 'logKDE'. When you have many points,
'KDE' and 'logKDE' tend to be slower. Default is 'logDTM'.
The values computed for 'DTM' or 'KDE' are not normalized (this does not affect the clustering).
metric (str|Callable): metric used when calculating the distance between instances in a feature array.
Defaults to Minkowski of parameter p.
kde_params (dict): if density_type is 'KDE' or 'logKDE', additional parameters passed directly to
k (int): number of neighbors for a knn graph (including the vertex itself). Defaults to 10.
k_DTM (int): number of neighbors for the DTM density estimation (including the vertex itself).
Defaults to k.
r (float): size of a neighborhood if graph_type is 'radius'. Also used as default bandwidth in kde_params.
eps (float): (1+eps) approximation factor when computing distances (ignored in many cases).
n_clusters (int): number of clusters requested. Defaults to None, i.e. no merging occurs and we get
the maximal number of clusters.
merge_threshold (float): minimum prominence of a cluster so it doesn't get merged.
symmetrize_graph (bool): whether we should add edges to make the neighborhood graph symmetric.
This can be useful with k-NN for small k. Defaults to false.
p (float): norm L^p on input points. Defaults to 2.
q (float): order used to compute the distance to measure. Defaults to dim.
dim (float): final exponent in DTM density estimation, representing the dimension. Defaults to the
dimension, or 2 when the dimension cannot be read from the input (metric is "precomputed").
Beware that when the dimension is large, this can easily cause overflows, see
:class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.dtm.DTMDensity` for details
n_jobs (int): Number of jobs to schedule for parallel processing on the CPU.
If -1 is given all processors are used. Default: 1.
params: extra parameters are passed to :class:`~gudhi.point_cloud.knn.KNearestNeighbors` and
# Should metric='precomputed' mean input_type='distance_matrix'?
# Should we be able to pass metric='minkowski' (what None does currently)?
self.graph_type_ = graph_type
self.density_type_ = density_type
self.params_ = params
self.__n_clusters = n_clusters
self.__merge_threshold = merge_threshold
# self.eliminate_threshold_ = eliminate_threshold
if n_clusters and merge_threshold:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify both a merge threshold and a number of clusters")
def fit(self, X, y=None, weights=None):
X ((n,d)-array of float|(n,n)-array of float|Sequence[Iterable[int]]): coordinates of the points,
or distance matrix (full, not just a triangle) if metric is "precomputed", or list of neighbors
for each point (points are represented by their index, starting from 0) if graph_type is "manual".
The number of points is currently limited to about 2 billion.
weights (ndarray of shape (n_samples)): if density_type is 'manual', a density estimate at each point
y: Not used, present here for API consistency with scikit-learn by convention.
# TODO: First detect if this is a new call with the same data (only threshold changed?)
# TODO: less code duplication (subroutines?), less spaghetti, but don't compute neighbors twice if not needed. Clear error message for missing or contradictory parameters.
if weights is not None:
density_type = "manual"
density_type = self.density_type_
if density_type == "manual":
raise ValueError("If density_type is 'manual', you must provide weights to fit()")
if self.graph_type_ == "manual":
self.neighbors_ = X
# FIXME: uniformize "message 'option'" vs 'message "option"'
assert density_type == "manual", 'If graph_type is "manual", density_type must be as well'
metric = self.params_.get("metric", "minkowski")
if metric != "precomputed":
self.points_ = X
# Slight complication to avoid computing knn twice.
need_knn = 0
need_knn_ngb = False
need_knn_dist = False
if self.graph_type_ == "knn":
k_graph = self.params_.get("k", 10)
# If X has fewer than k points...
if k_graph > len(X):
k_graph = len(X)
need_knn = k_graph
need_knn_ngb = True
if self.density_type_ in ["DTM", "logDTM"]:
k = self.params_.get("k", 10)
k_DTM = self.params_.get("k_DTM", k)
# If X has fewer than k points...
if k_DTM > len(X):
k_DTM = len(X)
need_knn = max(need_knn, k_DTM)
need_knn_dist = True
# if we ask for more neighbors for the graph than the DTM, getting the distances is a slight waste,
# but it looks negligible
if need_knn > 0:
knn_args = dict(self.params_)
knn_args["k"] = need_knn
knn = KNearestNeighbors(return_index=need_knn_ngb, return_distance=need_knn_dist, **knn_args).fit_transform(
if need_knn_ngb:
if need_knn_dist:
self.neighbors_ = knn[0][:, 0:k_graph]
knn_dist = knn[1]
self.neighbors_ = knn
elif need_knn_dist:
knn_dist = knn
if self.density_type_ in ["DTM", "logDTM"]:
dim = self.params_.get("dim")
if dim is None:
dim = len(X[0]) if metric != "precomputed" else 2
q = self.params_.get("q", dim)
weights = DTMDensity(k=k_DTM, metric="neighbors", dim=dim, q=q).fit_transform(knn_dist)
if self.density_type_ == "logDTM":
weights = numpy.log(weights)
if self.graph_type_ == "radius":
if metric in ["minkowski", "euclidean", "manhattan", "chebyshev"]:
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
tree = cKDTree(X)
# TODO: handle "l1" and "l2" aliases?
p = self.params_.get("p")
if metric == "euclidean":
assert p is None or p == 2, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='euclidean'"
p = 2
elif metric == "manhattan":
assert p is None or p == 1, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='manhattan'"
p = 1
elif metric == "chebyshev":
assert p is None or p == numpy.inf, "p=" + str(p) + " is not consistent with metric='chebyshev'"
p = numpy.inf
elif p is None:
p = 2 # the default
eps = self.params_.get("eps", 0)
self.neighbors_ = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r=self.params_["r"], p=p, eps=eps)
# TODO: sklearn's NearestNeighbors.radius_neighbors can handle more metrics efficiently via its BallTree
# (don't bother with the _graph variant, it just calls radius_neighbors).
elif metric != "precomputed":
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
X = pairwise_distances(X, metric=metric, n_jobs=self.params_.get("n_jobs"))
metric = "precomputed"
if metric == "precomputed":
# TODO: parallelize? May not be worth it.
X = numpy.asarray(X)
r = self.params_["r"]
self.neighbors_ = [numpy.flatnonzero(l <= r) for l in X]
if self.density_type_ in {"KDE", "logKDE"}:
# Slow...
assert (
self.graph_type_ != "manual" and metric != "precomputed"
), "Scikit-learn's KernelDensity requires point coordinates"
kde_params = dict(self.params_.get("kde_params", dict()))
kde_params.setdefault("metric", metric)
r = self.params_.get("r")
if r is not None:
kde_params.setdefault("bandwidth", r)
# Should we default rtol to eps?
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
weights = KernelDensity(**kde_params).fit(self.points_).score_samples(self.points_)
if self.density_type_ == "KDE":
# First rescale to avoid computing exp(-1000)
weights -= numpy.max(weights)
weights = numpy.exp(weights)
# TODO: do it at the C++ level and/or in parallel if this is too slow?
if self.params_.get("symmetrize_graph"):
self.neighbors_ = [set(line) for line in self.neighbors_]
for i, line in enumerate(self.neighbors_):
for j in line:
self.weights_ = weights
# This is where the main computation happens
self.leaf_labels_, self.children_, self.diagram_, self.max_weight_per_cc_ = hierarchy(self.neighbors_, weights)
self.n_leaves_ = len(self.max_weight_per_cc_) + len(self.children_)
assert self.leaf_labels_.max() + 1 == len(self.max_weight_per_cc_) + len(self.children_)
# TODO: deduplicate this code with the setters below
if self.__merge_threshold:
assert not self.__n_clusters
self.__n_clusters = numpy.count_nonzero(
self.diagram_[:, 0] - self.diagram_[:, 1] > self.__merge_threshold
) + len(self.max_weight_per_cc_)
if self.__n_clusters:
# TODO: set corresponding merge_threshold?
renaming = merge(self.children_, self.n_leaves_, self.__n_clusters)
self.labels_ = renaming[self.leaf_labels_]
# In case the user asked for something impossible.
# TODO: check for impossible situations before calling merge.
self.__n_clusters = self.labels_.max() + 1
self.labels_ = self.leaf_labels_
self.__n_clusters = self.n_leaves_
return self
def fit_predict(self, X, y=None, weights=None):
Equivalent to fit(), and returns the `labels_`.
return self.fit(X, y, weights).labels_
# TODO: add argument k or threshold? Have a version where you can click and it shows the line and the corresponding k?
def plot_diagram(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
l = self.max_weight_per_cc_.min()
r = self.max_weight_per_cc_.max()
if self.diagram_.size > 0:
plt.plot(self.diagram_[:, 0], self.diagram_[:, 1], "o", color="red")
l = min(l, self.diagram_[:, 1].min())
r = max(r, self.diagram_[:, 0].max())
if l == r:
if l > 0:
l, r = 0.9 * l, 1.1 * r
elif l < 0:
l, r = 1.1 * l, 0.9 * r
l, r = -1.0, 1.0
plt.plot([l, r], [l, r])
self.max_weight_per_cc_, numpy.full(self.max_weight_per_cc_.shape, 1.1 * l - 0.1 * r), "o", color="green"
# Use set_params instead?
def n_clusters_(self):
return self.__n_clusters
def n_clusters_(self, n_clusters):
if n_clusters == self.__n_clusters:
self.__n_clusters = n_clusters
self.__merge_threshold = None
if hasattr(self, "leaf_labels_"):
renaming = merge(self.children_, self.n_leaves_, self.__n_clusters)
self.labels_ = renaming[self.leaf_labels_]
# In case the user asked for something impossible
self.__n_clusters = self.labels_.max() + 1
def merge_threshold_(self):
return self.__merge_threshold
def merge_threshold_(self, merge_threshold):
if merge_threshold == self.__merge_threshold:
if hasattr(self, "leaf_labels_"):
self.n_clusters_ = numpy.count_nonzero(self.diagram_[:, 0] - self.diagram_[:, 1] > merge_threshold) + len(
self.__n_clusters = None
self.__merge_threshold = merge_threshold