Reader utils reference manual¶
()¶ Read points from OFF file.
- Parameters
off_file¶ (string) – An OFF file style name.
- Returns
The point set.
- Return type
()¶ Read lower triangular matrix from a CSV style file.
()¶ Reads a file containing persistence intervals. Each line might contain 2, 3 or 4 values: [[field] dimension] birth death The return value is an map[dim, vector[pair[birth, death]]] where dim is an int, birth a double, and death a double. Note: the function does not check that birth <= death.
- Parameters
persistence_file¶ (string) – A persistence file style name.
- Returns
The persistence pairs grouped by dimension.
- Return type
map[int, vector[pair[double, double]]]
()¶ Reads a file containing persistence intervals. Each line of persistence_file might contain 2, 3 or 4 values: [[field] dimension] birth death Note: the function does not check that birth <= death.
- Parameters
persistence_file¶ (string) – A persistence file style name.
only_this_dim¶ (int.) – The specific dimension. Default value is -1. If only_this_dim = -1, dimension is ignored and all lines are returned. If only_this_dim is >= 0, only the lines where dimension = only_this_dim (or where dimension is not specified) are returned.
- Returns
The persistence intervals.
- Return type
numpy array of dimension 2