Rips complex reference manual¶
¶ Bases:
The data structure is a one skeleton graph, or Rips graph, containing edges when the edge length is less or equal to a given threshold. Edge length is computed from a user given point cloud with a given distance function, or a distance matrix.
()¶ RipsComplex constructor.
Parameters: - max_edge_length (float) – Rips value.
- points (list of list of double) – A list of points in d-Dimension.
Parameters: distance_matrix – A distance matrix (full square or lower triangular). And in both cases
Parameters: sparse (float) – If this is not None, it switches to building a sparse Rips and represents the approximation parameter epsilon.
()¶ Parameters: max_dimension (int) – graph expansion for rips until this given maximal dimension. Returns: A simplex tree created from the Delaunay Triangulation. Return type: SimplexTree