26namespace persistence_fields {
52 : productOfAllCharacteristics_(0)
62 : primes_(toCopy.primes_),
63 productOfAllCharacteristics_(toCopy.productOfAllCharacteristics_),
64 partials_(toCopy.partials_)
73 : primes_(std::move(toMove.primes_)),
74 productOfAllCharacteristics_(std::move(toMove.productOfAllCharacteristics_)),
75 partials_(std::move(toMove.partials_))
87 if (maximum < 2)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Characteristic must be strictly positive");
88 if (minimum > maximum)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"The given interval is not valid.");
89 if (minimum == maximum && !_is_prime(minimum))
90 throw std::invalid_argument(
"The given interval does not contain a prime number.");
92 unsigned int curr_prime = minimum;
94 mpz_init_set_ui(tmp_prime, minimum);
96 int is_prime = mpz_probab_prime_p(tmp_prime, 25);
99 mpz_nextprime(tmp_prime, tmp_prime);
100 curr_prime = mpz_get_ui(tmp_prime);
104 while (curr_prime <=
static_cast<unsigned int>(maximum)) {
105 primes_.push_back(curr_prime);
106 mpz_nextprime(tmp_prime, tmp_prime);
107 curr_prime = mpz_get_ui(tmp_prime);
109 mpz_clear(tmp_prime);
111 if (primes_.empty())
throw std::invalid_argument(
"The given interval does not contain a prime number.");
113 productOfAllCharacteristics_ = 1;
114 for (
const unsigned int p : primes_) {
115 productOfAllCharacteristics_ *= p;
118 partials_.resize(primes_.size());
119 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < primes_.size(); ++i) {
120 unsigned int p = primes_[i];
121 partials_[i] = productOfAllCharacteristics_ / p;
122 mpz_powm_ui(partials_[i].get_mpz_t(), partials_[i].get_mpz_t(), p - 1, productOfAllCharacteristics_.get_mpz_t());
157 if (e >= productOfAllCharacteristics_ || e < -productOfAllCharacteristics_)
158 mpz_mod(e.get_mpz_t(), e.get_mpz_t(), productOfAllCharacteristics_.get_mpz_t());
159 if (e < 0) e += productOfAllCharacteristics_;
217 mpz_sub(e2.get_mpz_t(), e1.get_mpz_t(), e2.get_mpz_t());
337 if (e1 == e2)
return true;
362 mpz_gcd(QR.get_mpz_t(), e.get_mpz_t(), productOfCharacteristics.get_mpz_t());
369 mpz_invert(inv_qt.get_mpz_t(), e.get_mpz_t(), QT.get_mpz_t());
399 if (productOfCharacteristics == 0) {
403 for (
unsigned int idx = 0; idx < primes_.size(); ++idx) {
404 if ((productOfCharacteristics % primes_[idx]) == 0) {
405 multIdentity += partials_[idx];
418 primes_.swap(other.primes_);
419 productOfAllCharacteristics_ = other.productOfAllCharacteristics_;
420 partials_.swap(other.partials_);
428 f1.primes_.swap(f2.primes_);
429 std::swap(f1.productOfAllCharacteristics_, f2.productOfAllCharacteristics_);
430 f1.partials_.swap(f2.partials_);
434 std::vector<unsigned int> primes_;
436 std::vector<Characteristic> partials_;
437 inline static const Element multiplicativeID_ = 1;
438 inline static const Element additiveID_ = 0;
440 static constexpr bool _is_prime(
const int p) {
441 if (p <= 1)
return false;
442 if (p <= 3)
return true;
443 if (p % 2 == 0 || p % 3 == 0)
return false;
445 for (
long i = 5; i * i <= p; i = i + 6)
446 if (p % i == 0 || p % (i + 2) == 0)
return false;
Class defining operators for a multi-field with "consecutive" characteristic range.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:35
void add_and_multiply_inplace_back(const Element &e, const Element &a, Element &m) const
Adds the first element to the second one and multiplies the third one with it, that is ((e + a) * m) ...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:323
void set_characteristic(int minimum, int maximum)
Set the characteristics of the field, which are stored in a single value as a product of all of them....
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:86
static const Element & get_multiplicative_identity()
Returns the multiplicative identity of a field.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:389
friend void swap(Multi_field_operators &f1, Multi_field_operators &f2)
Swap operator.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:427
Default constructor, sets the product of all characteristics to 0.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:43
bool are_equal(const Element &e1, const Element &e2) const
Returns true if the two given elements are equal in the field, false otherwise.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:336
Element Characteristic
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:38
void multiply_and_add_inplace_front(Element &e, const Element &m, const Element &a) const
Multiplies the first element with the second one and adds the third one, that is (e * m + a) % produc...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:267
void subtract_inplace_front(Element &e1, const Element &e2) const
Stores in the first element the subtraction in the field of the first element by the second element,...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:205
const Characteristic & get_characteristic() const
Returns the current characteristics as the product of all of them.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:136
void subtract_inplace_back(const Element &e1, Element &e2) const
Stores in the second element the subtraction in the field of the first element by the second element,...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:216
void multiply_and_add_inplace_back(const Element &e, const Element &m, Element &a) const
Multiplies the first element with the second one and adds the third one, that is (e * m + a) % produc...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:281
void multiply_inplace(Element &e1, const Element &e2) const
Stores in the first element the multiplication of two given elements in the field,...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:240
Multi_field_operators & operator=(Multi_field_operators other)
Assign operator.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:417
Element multiply_and_add(Element e, const Element &m, const Element &a) const
Multiplies the first element with the second one and adds the third one. Returns the result in the fi...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:253
void get_value_inplace(Element &e) const
Stores in the given element the value of this element in the field. That is the positive value of the...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:156
static const Element & get_additive_identity()
Returns the additive identity of a field.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:383
Multi_field_operators(const Multi_field_operators &toCopy)
Copy constructor.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:61
mpz_class Element
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:37
std::pair< Element, Characteristic > get_partial_inverse(const Element &e, const Characteristic &productOfCharacteristics) const
Returns the inverse of the given element in the multi-field corresponding to the given sub-product of...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:359
Element subtract(Element e1, const Element &e2) const
Returns the subtraction in the field of the first element by the second element.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:193
Element multiply(Element e1, const Element &e2) const
Returns the multiplication of two elements in the field.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:228
void add_inplace(Element &e1, const Element &e2) const
Stores in the first element the sum of two given elements in the field, that is (e1 + e2) % productOf...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:181
Element get_value(Element e) const
Returns the value of an element in the field. That is the positive value of the integer modulo the cu...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:145
void add_and_multiply_inplace_front(Element &e, const Element &a, const Element &m) const
Adds the first element to the second one and multiplies the third one with it, that is ((e + a) * m) ...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:309
Element get_inverse(const Element &e) const
Returns the inverse of the given element in the sense of with respect to the product of all characte...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:348
Element add_and_multiply(Element e, const Element &a, const Element &m) const
Adds the first element to the second one and multiplies the third one with it. Returns the result in ...
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:295
Multi_field_operators(int minCharacteristic, int maxCharacteristic)
Constructor setting the characteristics to all prime numbers between the two given integers.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:51
Element add(Element e1, const Element &e2) const
Returns the sum of two elements in the field.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:169
Multi_field_operators(Multi_field_operators &&toMove) noexcept
Move constructor.
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:72
Element get_partial_multiplicative_identity(const Characteristic &productOfCharacteristics) const
Returns the partial multiplicative identity of the multi-field from the given product....
Definition: Multi_field_operators.h:398
Gudhi namespace.
Definition: SimplicialComplexForAlpha.h:14