21namespace coxeter_triangulation {
33 Eigen::VectorXd
const Eigen::VectorXd& p)
const {
34 double x = p(0) - off_[0], y = p(1) - off_[1], z = p(2) - off_[2];
35 Eigen::VectorXd result(
36 double x2 = x * x, y2 = y * y, z2 = z * z, a2 = a_ * a_;
37 double t1 = x2 + y2 + z2;
38 result(0) = t1 * t1 - 2 * a2 * (x2 - y2 - z2);
43 std::size_t
const {
return 3; };
46 std::size_t
const {
return 1; };
52 Eigen::VectorXd
const {
53 Eigen::Vector3d result(std::sqrt(2 * a_) + off_[0], off_[1], off_[2]);
62 Eigen::Vector3d result(-std::sqrt(2 * a_) + off_[0], off_[1], off_[2]);
Gudhi namespace.
Definition: SimplicialComplexForAlpha.h:14
A class that encodes the function, the zero-set of which is a surface of revolution around the x axis...
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:28
Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3(double a=1, Eigen::Vector3d off=Eigen::Vector3d::Zero())
Constructor of the function that defines a surface of revolution around the x axis based on the lemni...
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:73
Eigen::VectorXd seed() const
Returns a point on the surface. This seed point is only one of two necessary seed points for the mani...
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:52
std::size_t cod_d() const
Returns the codomain dimension.
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:46
Eigen::VectorXd seed2() const
Returns a point on the surface. This seed point is only one of two necessary seed points for the mani...
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:61
Eigen::VectorXd operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &p) const
Value of the function at a specified point.
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:33
std::size_t amb_d() const
Returns the (ambient) domain dimension.
Definition: Function_lemniscate_revolution_in_R3.h:43