42 Filtration_value
filtration(Simplex_handle sh);
47 Simplex_handle
simplex (
size_t idx );
98 Simplex_key
key ( Simplex_handle sh );
102 void assign_key(Simplex_handle sh, Simplex_key n);
unspecified Boundary_simplex_iterator
Iterator on the simplices belonging to the boundary of a simplex.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:52
unspecified Simplex_key
Data stored for each simplex.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:91
void assign_key(Simplex_handle sh, Simplex_key n)
Store a number for a simplex, which can later be retrieved with key(sh).
Simplex_handle simplex(size_t idx)
Returns the simplex that has index idx in the filtration.
Simplex_key null_key()
Returns a constant dummy number that is either negative, or at least as large as num_simplices(). Suggested value: -1.
Simplex_key key(Simplex_handle sh)
Returns the number stored for a simplex by assign_key.
unspecified Indexing_tag
Specifies the nature of the indexing scheme.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:28
unspecified Filtration_simplex_iterator
Iterator over all simplices of the complex in the order of the indexing scheme.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:75
Simplex_handle null_simplex()
Returns a Simplex_handle that is different from all simplex handles of the simplices.
unspecified Boundary_simplex_range
Range giving access to the simplices in the boundary of a simplex.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:57
Filtration_simplex_range filtration_simplex_range()
Returns a range over the simplices of the complex in the order of the filtration. ...
size_t num_simplices()
Returns the number of simplices in the complex.
unspecified Simplex_handle
Handle to specify a simplex.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:19
unspecified Filtration_simplex_range
Range over the simplices of the complex in the order of the filtration.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:79
Filtration_value filtration(Simplex_handle sh)
Returns the filtration value of a simplex.
int dimension(Simplex_handle sh)
Returns the dimension of a simplex.
The concept FilteredComplex describes the requirements for a type to implement a filtered cell comple...
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:16
unspecified Filtration_value
Type for the value of the filtration function.
Definition: FilteredComplex.h:23
Boundary_simplex_range boundary_simplex_range(Simplex_handle sh)
Returns a range giving access to all simplices of the boundary of a simplex, i.e. the set of codimens...